Heart Havens

What we look for

Heart Havens seeks caring direct support professionals who embrace our mission of empowerment and share our values of accountability, integrity, respect, and empathy. We're looking for people who will encourage the people we support to be true members of their communities by helping them connect to community resources and events and motivate them to try new things. At every level of our organization, we look for people who think creatively, are team players, have strong attention to detail, and are passionate about providing inclusive communities for people with a developmental disability. 

An older man sits behind and to the side of a younger man using an assistive device to access a laptop on the white table in front of them.

What You'll Need

Our basic qualifications include:

All of our staff are trained in first aid, CPR, Therapeutic Options, medication administration, Medicaid Waiver, OSHA, and more. We provide this training, but if you have current certifications, that's a plus!

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